Friday, February 26, 2010

I am discovering how very... human I am today. I've made it out of bed and so I suppose, technically, I have accomplished my goal. But today I am seeing that I have so much more that I need to work on. There are times that I don't even recognize the person in the mirror. Who I used to be has been replaced with this mean, angry, spiteful person that I quite honestly am not too fond of. I know that there is such a joyful life waiting for me, I just have to get there. But man.... this is one of those days when I really need help with that journey.


  1. When I am having one of those days...I go put on mascara and stand in front of a mirror batting my eyelashes at myself and making kissy faces...I can never do that without starting to smile, then laugh. and, ultimately even if I only laugh a few minutes or just crack a smile, I still feel just a tiny bit better!

  2. I never thought of that. I think I'll try that next time I have a day like I did today.
